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Bringing decades of proven industry expertise.

OwlPoint Project Management Services

IT Project Management

Strong yet flexible Project Management is the foundation for high performing Programs and Portfolios. OwlPoint experts help you overcome the challenge of adapting traditional, agile and hybrid approaches to create a cohesive project, program, and portfolio management system tailored to each organization’s unique needs.

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The Watermelon Effect

by Jeffrey Tefertiller I have enjoyed watermelons most of my life, and it has grown since the emergence of “seedless” watermelons. For those unfamiliar, these seedless watermelons still have seeds. They are just small, edible, and are not the nuisance of the “seeded” watermelons. In our family, we each want to be the one who […]

Major AXELOS Announcement

OwlPoint’s CEO, Mark Blanke, and AXELOS’s Adam Griffith discussed new products related to ITIL 4. Details of the ITIL Maturity Model were reviewed along with the first public announcement of 2 new ITIL 4 Modules.

What is an Experience Level Agreement or “XLA”?

As a concept, XLA measures Employee Engagement along with other factors.